Friday, March 30, 2012

I think one thing that must suck in college for the teachers is that they have to go around carting all of their teacher materials and stuff, and they can’t leave them in the room. This is bad for the teachers because those bags are HEAVY, but it’s also bad for students because they are in a less visually and emotionally rich environment. People learn better where they feel comfortable, and they can leave things behind and pick them up later, but college doesn’t let them do that. Also, I think people learn better when they have a way to remember where they were when they learned something, but I think literally ALL of my college classrooms look the same. The only thing different is the windows in the regular cinderblock classrooms. There are also lecture halls, labs, and portable classrooms, which end up being the most memorable. The rest are ALL THE SAME. It probably doesn’t help that most of my classes are in the same building.

I’ve used my hairdryer a total of probably twice. I might use it more often if mine looked as weird and awesome as this. It’s from Heal's. 


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