I live in the United States. You can look up more stats on world hunger here (WFP)
There are 17 million hungry American kids. There are 11 million hungry Somali. Caca.
Who deserves the food more?
This took some thought. I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone pretty much deserves everything equally; what varies is who gets it. See, if I want to be a pharmacist and you want to be a pharmacist, theoretically we should both get the same chance. Now, we may not. You may have a family that will disapprove or little money or some other reason why you don’t have access to the opportunity to become a pharmacist, but you should get the same chance as me. It’s the same thing with hunger. Everybody deserves the same chance to have food. By that, of course I mean that everyone should get food. (I mean, come on. Food?)
Somalia is the famine du jour, which is a very serious and very bad thing. Although America has a steady, chronic hunger problem, the Horn of Africa has an instant and pressing need. They have a giant inflation rate, drought, malnutrition through the roof, and no food. There’s also a long-standing war there and it’s taking some effort to get any aid there at all. Of course, when you’re hungry, all needs for food are pressing. Who should we feed? Who should we feed first? Obviously no one deserves it more, but if we start thinking about these questions I don’t think anyone will get fed.
Therefore, I’m giving you a goal, dear reader. Feed somebody today. Don’t let them go hungry. You can pay, you can play, you can cook for your family, or heck, make yourself a peanut butter sandwich.
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