Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This is SO cool!

I sometimes have problems spelling the word "Museum."  I long have.  I  can spell "musee" (yes, with the accent) perfectly, without even thinking about it because the French make more spelling sense than the English.

Regardless of how it is spelled, you have to go to the
Valentino Museum.  Right now.  You click the link, insert your email address, read the terms and YOU ARE IN VALENTINO'S MUSEUM.  It is SO cool.  There are incredible photographs, pretty dresses on mannequins, and even videotapes of fashion shows.  Unlike in physical museums, you don't even have to wait until the video finishes so you can see the beginning!  (Which would be quite a pain.  The shows are very long -- the primavera (spring) 2005 show was about 37 minutes long.)  It's very cool.  Excuse me while I go oggle haute couture.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I really hate it when people say "Santy Claus."

            I cannot stand it.  The radio knows about fifty songs the rest of the year, all by different people, but when it comes to Christmas, they FORGET that there are more than five songs in the world and that ten people should not sing different versions of a song and call them different songs. 

            Worse even than the fact that people think that five songs can masquerade as a full mix for six weeks (They haven’t the sense to start it, like, today.  They have to start it right after Thanksgiving.), people also think it is okay this time of year to mispronounce “Santa Claus.”  Not even in that pretty Alpine way where they say “Sinta Claus” or “Sinta Clauus,” they say it in the Andy Griffith “Santy Claus” way.  I really hate that.

            Usually Christmas doesn’t annoy me this much.  But this year the music is getting to me.  Best nine-minute music hiatus ever here.